Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Courtly love - The world "love" then and now

Reading the first few paragraphs of the pages for Courtly Love is quite eye opening, even a little weird. the most eye opening parts was how different people see the world "love" today compared to when this was written.

     Some parts of the essay I thought were very relatable, for example the beginning, explaining how the guy was at the depressed, non stop thinking stage of falling in love with a girl. everyone has been in a situation where they have liked, or even thought they loved someone and had the sort of negative feelings where they think there is NOO for the other person to like them, and just downright impossible for them to start a normal conversation with them, without the opposite sex thinking they are a stalker of some sort.

A part that I was surprised with was reading the part of "love is not possible of two opposite sexes" 
   Reading this made me think, has our time evolved from the traditional romance type time period for relationships? in my opinion people don’t talk or even think like they used to about romance or relationships. you don’t even see movies about typical "romance" anymore, sure, there is your typical once a year love movie that a girl will force you to go and watch, but many of other top hit movies are usually all about the same thing, partying, hooking up type college scene with action and other social norms of today. for example think of the movie Project X, the fact that a movie like that even made it into theaters, much less became a top hit with every high schooler should show that there are some types of flaws in the way relationships are today. 

          Overall after reading this an opinion that struck in my head was has the fear of love dragged us away from what relationships are really about? The first few paragraphs really stood out to me and showed as a good example of how people who are scared of love, are more willing to abandon it and say how it doesn’t exist or it is not possible, rather than go out searching for it. It’s a topic that is really shoved in the dark and not talked about much, but could it be the cause of the loss of modern “Romance” and the raise of how people see relationships and love today as more rewarding if it is a one hook up rather than a long lasting romance? All because of the fear of rejection? 


  1. I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are saying, but from what I can tell, it seems as though you are generally talking about the suffering in a relationship. I don't agree with your comments about people being so scared of love that they abandon it/don't go after it because in the first few paragraphs, while it does talk about fear, it also talks about that same fearful person thinking of ways to win over a woman's heart.

  2. I understand what you mean when you talk about how when you fall in love with someone. For example, when a guy starts to like someone from a far they become obsessed with the idea of falling in love and make the girl love him. However, with your point about the suffering in the relationship and that they have to abandon it I do not think that is what she meant. I think she meant that even though they are afraid they still want to find a way to get the woman to fall in love with him.
