Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Erec and Enide- Story of the unexpected!

Overall Erec and Enide were a great read and probably my favorite in class so far. My favorite part of the read was how it wasn’t your typical “Medieval” story. The read took a different approach then most stories from this time period. For instance at the beginning g of the story Erec gets struck by a dwarf with little man syndrome…. Usually in these type stories the main hero is either untouchable or has one main enemy that is greater than him that throughout the story he tries to overcome. One other thing that I liked about this story so far is I really feel like there is 2 main characters, Erec and Ene, where most the time is these plots it’s all about one character while the other drifts in and out of the story when needed.
The story describes Erec as a noble very trustworthy knight, one of the highest regarded by the king, while Enide has no connection to royalty what so ever, she is a very poor village person that has nothing but her family, which is the most important thing in her life.

The story was a bit dry and slow once it first started, personally I thought a lot of unnecessary detail was added ( I felt like a whole page was dedicated to nothing but how perfect and beautiful Enide was) nut as the read went on the story picked up dramatically and at times I felt there was almost to much going on and it was hard to fully understand what all was going on at some points in the story.                                                                                                                                                                       My favorite part of the read so far was when Erec fought and won the sparrowhawk for his maiden. This was in my opinion on of the main turning points in the story when it really started to pick up and get more exciting. Also I thought an important part of the story was the fight, and how Yder apologized to the queen and then earned a spot on the court. As I said before my favorite part of this story is how it doesn’t follow typical protocol of stories based on this time period and throws some surprises to the reader. I am really excited to continue to read the story  Erec and Enide and see how their unexpected journey turns out and see the rest the story has to offer!


  1. I also like the part where Erec won the sparrow hawk. I loved that part because he recognized that Enide is very wise even though she did not talk much. I agree with the idea that in the beginning the story was kind of boring and it did have a lot of detail. I think all the detail was a little over compensating but it makes the story interesting. The sparrow hawk was like a turning point because after that there weren’t as much detail but the story picked up pace. I also liked that the story surrounded those two characters.

  2. While I agree that there was a lot of detail, perhaps it wasn't too much. I say this because the mass amount of detail really put emphasis on certain important parts in the story. For example, Erec and Enide's physical descriptions really made them stand out as characters. That brings me to the other point of there were two main characters. My first thought was how great that was. Finally, the hero isn't just the "untouchable" strong knight, there also a pretty girl who can actually be of some assistance!
