Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Knight of the Cart...a Disgrace??

In this story, I've come to the realization that Chretien is not particularly fond of dwarves. Why he makes them out to be so horrible, I have no idea, but this brings me to the cart that the dwarf had.

Why is it such a big deal that the knight rode in the cart? The knight got into the cart so that they could learn what happened to their queen. Is that not honorable in itself?! I know the story is kind of vague at times (especially with characters), but why is riding in a cart so horrible? Why should that even matter, especially when he did it for his queen?

Another thing that I want to bring up is the bed that they are supposedly too undeserving to sleep in. What does this bed symbolize, assuming it is of importance? I'm not sure exactly was going on in this part of the story. There was something about fire and a lance, I think. It was a little hard for me to follow.

Overall, I was somewhat confused by this story. Yes, it was interesting, but it was vague and jumped around at times, which made it hard to follow.


  1. Not to say that I'm an expert on this story, because believe me this story is cray, but I think I might have some answers. So first and foremost is the dreaded cart. My understanding is that it would be like someone showing up to class with a police escort in an orange jumpsuit. Even if it only happens for one class that is going to be the image burned into people's minds. That's not to say that orange jumpsuits are bad, or that police are bad (HA!) but at the end of the day it's shady as shit. It's the mark of the other, no matter the intention or truth behind the situation. Now, as a knight there is even more resistance to the idea that this person would have fallen so far as to be put in a embarrassing prison cart thing.

    Now the magical bed test. *WINK*

    So, I have no idea why this trial is a bed of all things but that is my assumption it's a trial of worthiness. Only someone worthy can sleep safely in the bed and Nameless Knight Lancelot is such a someone. The burning flag lance thing doesn't kill him and he can get rid of it and go back to sleep like a bad mamajama. Boom, super knight powers of worthiness.

  2. The dwarf part was a little bit over the top to in my opinion when i was reading.... whats up with all these medieval stories and dudes hating or getting beat up by dwarfs..... I agree with you about the knight riding in the cart to, I didnt understand the importance of it in the text exactly when i was reading either. The only thing I could really come up with is they are to undeserving for certain things like you said sleeping in and they went above their athourity by riding in the cart and it was dishonarable.

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