Monday, February 2, 2015

True Love? OR NAH????

They say love is a topic that many people appreciate, and others can hate until the end days. Love has been existent since the medieval ages. In, “The Lais of Marie de France,” the epic story of Equitan described an epic knight who was pissed the hell off at his lover.

This is what brings up the mighty question, was love in that time period classified as true love? Or even better, do the people of today know the true definition of love? And if so, do they truly follow it?

Oxford English Dictionary defines love as, “A feeling or disposition of deep affection or fondness for someone, typically arising from a recognition of attractive qualities, from natural affinity, or from sympathy and manifesting itself in concern for the other's welfare and pleasure in his or her presence” (Love).

With this as the following, do we actually follow this, or do we go straight to the aux cord, and pull out the iPhone and listen to Jeremiah’s Birthday Sex and get some sweet horny action in!

In today’s world, I believe that we are following the same standards as Equitan did. All we do in this day of age is find the closest person next to us, and go after a quick fuck session. We never go through the styles of love that Nicholas Sparks proclaims in every single one of his books.

The styles of Equitan would leave me to believe that this could leave to domestic violence, brutality, or even death. Just leave it to be foreshadowing to Eminem’s Kim, “Don't you get it, bitch, no one can hear you? Now shut the fuck up and get what's coming to you You were supposed to love me NOW BLEED! BITCH, BLEED! BLEED! BITCH, BLEED! BLEED!”

Overall, love is still something that still boggles my mind. Whether it may be about love preferences, or if it comes to sexual preferences. However, if the any reader follows the ways of the, “mighty,” Equitan, then we will end up seeing more and more baby daddies.


  1. I like that point you bring up over true love. I wondered this myself while we were discussing Courtly Love. Was that their version of true love? Or are there other tales of destined love and fate? And I certainly hope, although I wouldn't doubt, people don't act the same as Equitan!

  2. Isn't interesting that we do one thing, yet romanticize the other? I mean, why do you think Nicholas Sparks books are so popular? Because it's an ideal image of love that we want to mirror. Still, those quick "fuck" sessions happen WAY more frequently. I think the same is true with Equitan. He romanticizes love so much throughout the entire story, yet in reality, all he's really doing is fucking her because she's attractive. Interesting parallel, no?
