Monday, March 30, 2015

Let the Batte Begin!

So far I am really enjoying the story of the Knight’s Tale. It really has a lot of action going on between the two cousins who are fighting over this one girl. But now it comes down to the big battle to determine who will have the hand of the princess Emelye.  Let the battle begin!

                        The King Theseus has now set up a big stadium for the big battle for Arcite and Palamon. Both cousins have now gathered their teams and are ready for battle. But my favorite is when Emelye prayed to the goddess Diana. Emelye really doesn’t want to be married to either one of the two knights. Instead just wants peace between the two cousins. Emelye then agrees that if she MUST marry she will marry the one that wants her the most. I am just amazed at the fact that Emelye really didn’t really want either of them. She’s just chilling and living life and not really caring about the fight.

I love Greek Mythology! I am obsessed with all the Greek Gods and Goddess. Now as the two cousins began to prepare for the battle both of them prayed to a God  to ask for help during the battle. As a result of Arcite praying to Mars and  Palamon praying to Venus, the two planets have now waged war upon each other! What I am trying to understand is why would the Gods and Goddess get physical and fight in the battle? Yes they can help the cousins , but  you’re a God! You should have better things to do.

Although each cousin fought well and hard it was claimed that Arcite was the winner. Until an unfortunate event of an  earthquake sent by Pluto comes and injures him severely and he dies. That sucks! I actually felt really bad for him though because he tried but I guess fate was against him. But just before he died he told Emelye that Palamon was a better man for her anyways. So it did end on a happy note and I am glad for Palamon actually. Even though he was the cousin that wanted her but never really took a lot of action in getting her. Everything turned out for the better in the end even if Arcite had a unexpected random death.


  1. It is interesting that Emily showed very little interest in the two men. If I heard that two random guys were preparing a battle and fighting for me, I’d definitely be feeling some stuff. Most likely scared, though, but still. But I felt bad for Arcite as well. I wish Chaucer found a way to have a happy ending which also kept both men alive.

  2. I agree with the sense that Emily never really cared about Arcite nor Paolomon. She even prayed to the Gods that she wanted to remain a virgin. At least she got a guy that truly cared about her, and not for the sex. Paolomon really cared about her, unlike Arcite, who only cared about the competition. Could we call Arcite an attention whore? Or nah?
