Monday, March 30, 2015

What is Love? Nah.. More like an unfair fight!!

I have to admit that I like the fact that Greek Gods were involved. Seeing as I am kind of obsessed. But onto the story Theseus is either weird or willing to spend boatful’s of money on a tournament and three temples for the Gods: Venus, Mars and Diana. Then as the tournament gets closer the people all gather to watch the battle. Both of our knights, Palamon and Arcite return with their magnificent armies. The before the battle each person, Palamon, Arcite and Emelye go to one of the temples to ask for help. Palamon goes to the temple of Venus and tells her how much he desires to be with Emelye and asks Venus to help him win in the name of love. Venus sends him this mysterious sign and basically says, “I am on your side of this battle.”
            Then a few hours later Emelye goes to the temple of Diana and asks to remain a virgin and not have to marry either of them. Then Diana appears in front of her and tells her that she has to marry one of them. Then Emelye just goes back to her room and basically just accept the fact she has to marry someone who she doesn’t really know. I think that when a woman is getting married shouldn’t she be … don’t know somewhat excited to get married not indifferent. But you know that is just my opinion I think marriage should be about EQUAL LOVE on the side of both the man and the woman. Not that “Oh I have to marry you because Diana said so and because you’re the only one left alive.”
            Later that same day Arcite goes to the temple of Mars and begs the god of war for help winning the battle and he gets a sign as well and Mars whispers  “Victory!” which in my mind the way I envisioned it was a little eerie and creepy. Then we get to see the god’s point of view. Where Saturn, Venus’s dad tells her that Palamon will win even if Mars helps Arcite.
            Then comes the FEAST. Because you cannot have a battle without a gigantic feast.
 Then the battle starts and Theseus goes on about the rules of the battle and then the bloody massacre begins.
Palamon fights alright but in the end Arcite wins and everyone is happy especially Emelye when Theseus states that Arcite is the winner but because Venus starts crying and her daddy wants to fix everything he kills Arcite by making and earthquake appear and injure him. On his death bed he tells Emelye how much he loved her and that she should marry his cousin if she were to get married. Then after a time warp of mourning Palamon and Emelye get married and are eventually happy.


  1. I thought including the Greek Gods was a nice addition to the story as well. It allowed for the readers to understand what each knight was really hoping for. Clearly Arcite just enjoyed the competition of winning Emily over, while Palamon actually cared about her, so it sort of gave us someone to root for. But I do agree with you that both partners should be happy about getting married. If Emily truly didn’t want to end up with either of them, she should have been more clear about that when talking to Diana.

  2. I definitely agree with Jaime when it comes to adding the Gods into the story. It gives a chance for the readers, who aren't really sure who the characters are, to be like, "Oh that's Mars, Diana, and Venus. I know them!" After reading this, you can tell that Arcite showed some care with Emily, because when Saturn was about to kill him, we are informed that Arcite wanted Emily to go to the person who cared the most about her. So, we can understand that Arcite had some interest in her, but not as much as the enjoyment of competition.
