Monday, April 20, 2015

If I Had A Nipple For Everyone Who Died In This Story

That title only covers one particularly horrific part of the story, not to mention all the nuns that burn and the monks that get shoved off cliffs and the random dudes who are just generally slaughtered during "Sir" Gowther's insatiable thirst for blood that spans so many rhymes. And I know the point of it all is that literally anyone can be forgiven, even the son of Satan, because his lineage is out of his control and he seeks (very sudden, mind you) redemption through the Lord, and it's granted. And I know the footnote discusses the possibility of such a drastic turnaround when one finds out something traumatic, but this guy...I mean...this time he really is a devil. And he just converts to Christianity's not what his father would want?

So never hang out in an orchard. Unless you want to be kidnapped and/or tricked into sex, then you should make a list of every orchard near your address and hang out nowhere else. I mean, I know it can be tempting when a stranger that looks a lot like your significant other offers you sex, but I think you're technically supposed to say no. I guess for the sake of the story he was an identical image of the Duke, so it can't really be the wife's fault, but surely she could have said something to make sure it was him first. Unless the Duke isn't into smalltalk before his lovemaking, then maybe it seemed totally natural that he just showed up and asked for it under a tree. I don't know. I've never been courted by Satan, I don't know how he does foreplay.

I imagine it's a lot like this, though

Anyways I guess it's not up to me to buy it, but I don't buy his whole repentance thing. And even if he's sincere, I guess the real question is...can you be forgiven for doing SO MANY horrible things? An uncountable number of people Sir Gowther kills, and then he's instantly sorry...and he does spend the rest of his life doing good, but can that outweigh the permanent damage of so many deaths? I'm not entirely convinced. Luckily, I don't need to be convinced, because someone believes Gowther, so as far as he's concerned, thank God for Jesus.


  1. Haha great title. And great points! I'm confused by only one part. I was under the impression that the Duke's wife knew she was having sex with someone who wasn't her husband. I thought she did it on purpose...and I liked it that way. I'm not upset with that decision at all. He obviously doesn't love her if he is willing to give her up after only two children. She did what she had to do. Although, she could have maybe looked a little closer to make sure he didn't have horns.
    I don't think Gowther spent his life doing good. Actually, I'd argue that he simply continues to do damage. I don't get the justice in this story. Killing is bad, but killing is good? Hmmm....

  2. You know, I think this story is one of the hardest for me to chew over. Like, as a faithless asshole I'm really quick to be like, "No, your behavior is terrible and you don't get to be like 'sorry bro' and suddenly you're on bro level." I'm pretty sure that's what I feel in my heart. But I also understand that the thing that I don't have id basically the whole reason this story works. Because there is faith in God and faith that God is forgiving and blah blah blah is why the story fundamentally works. Because I ain't about that life I think of it as a flaw. But that is way more of a personal failing for this story then the story itself being trash.

  3. I thought that his sudden need for repentance was strange as well. I know we went over in class how he has to keep doing good things in order to stay forgiven, but it still strikes me as wrong when I hear that the Pope was just like “yeah okay, just suffer a bit first”. I mean, eating food from a dog’s mouth is pretty bad, but he killed so many people. However, I did really like Dr. MB’s explanation that he didn’t know better before someone flat out told him that he was a dick. Without that I think I would have forever been mad that he was actually forgiven, but now I can kind of accept that since it was completely his fault… even though it still kind of was.

  4. Sorry for the late comment!

    You raise some pretty good points. I will say, though, that I'm not sure if Gowther converts to Christianity just because it's not what Satan would want. I think there's a desire for spiritual growth there, as well, but since that's never explicitly stated I won't be able to say for certain.

    The part where Satan seduces the wife was confusing too. I had to reread it a few times before I realized he came to her in the form of her husband, so I'm with you on that point.

    Finally, I'll say that the idea of forgiveness for doing so many bad things is still a hot topic today, even among Christians. Although we know that forgiveness can be received by anyone, when it actually happens a lot of people remain leery of the newly redeemed person for a while. It's sad that it happens like that, but I think it's hard for us--myself included--to wrap our heads around such a cosmic idea.
