Monday, April 6, 2015


Friends, comrades, fellow students... I think we can all agree that after taking this class, we have a very good, well thought out idea on love. From the first piece we read (Courtly Love from Andres Capellanus) to the most recent piece (Sir Orfeo), we can conclude that the middle ages were a time period full of horny, love-crazy bastards.
Image result for greek love

However, what I have been noticing in these past two stories, is that the characters and settings are Greek-based. Now, I may be the only person who thinks of this, but love is similar in every time period... except the Greeks and Romans. Those were some crazy people lol (insert emoji here)

Now to the story! I thought of this as a repetitive piece, like the other copious amount of stories we have read. Women gets kidnapped by stranger, guy gets pissed, epic adventure, she gets saved by guy, and they live happily ever after. Half way through, I could come up with the ending in my head, and I was right. As the famous rapper OG Maco would say, "Bitch, you guessed it Hwah, you was right."
What pissed me off the most, and I don't know why, were the fairies. I mean C'MON Man! You would think fairies would be these nice, mystical people who spread happiness with a flick and swish of a wand (Hah! Harry Potter reference). But NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! These little turds end up kidnapping the queen and many others, and hide them in a castle. When Sir Orfeo is granted access, I was thinking a huge fight was going to happen, not him playing his harp to the fairy king. The more I think about it, however, Sir Orfeo has the talent. As a child, he was given the gift of music, so he can play the hell out of a harp. We could call Sir Orfeo the Eric Clapton of harps.

Image result for eric clapton

But, again, after finishing this, I wasn't really pleased. The stories are getting so similar, that I really haven't been hooked by any plot line. If this was Metacritic, I would give this a solid 47 for not being original.


  1. Hey I guessed correctly too! Like you mentioned all of these tales, with the exception of one or two, have had the same plot to them all since day one of this class, and yeah we can pretty much predict the influence of love and what actions everyone takes. However I appreciated the quick wit of the King in this tale, somewhat fooling the fairy King to get what he most desired. That was one thing that I did not see coming and could appreciate it. Finally a purposely witty King, not just a happy accident!!

  2. Hey I totally agree with that after reading all of the tales most of them do have the same story line and plot. And now since we have been reading these tales for quite some time now you pretty much can predict what's going to happen with in the stories. The one thing I had to say about this story was the fact that the Fairy King ruled over dead people. That was something that I did not expect at all. I mean its so out of character than what a normal fairy is suppose to be like. That totally blew me away.

  3. I do agree about how slowly as we progress the stories are becoming more and more blurred and becoming so similar that it is hard to tell the difference at times. especially if they just have the same themes and basically the same plot line. I also always thought that fairies were supposed to be these great and kind creatures. I never expected fairies to be somewhat evil.
