Monday, February 23, 2015

Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband because Lancelot(AKA: reincarnated Equitan) is snatchin' everybody out here!!!

Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband because Lancelot(AKA: reincarnated Equitan) is snatchin' everybody out here!!!
 Can we talk about the fact that Lancelot just pulled the exact same move as king Equitan by taking the love of queen Guinevere from her king Arthur? Courtly love just cannot stay away from these people, luckily I just wrote to MY king about this issue!! Although it cannot go without mentioning the endless courage and independence that Lancelot had to acquire that love. ENDLESS injuries this man took! Breaking bars in order to get down to the good stuff? Crossing sword bridges and taking off his in order to GET injuries to prove himself? That's a real man right there. You would not find this man dying from a feet-first dive into boiling water!

            Also what was getting on my nerves were the constant mind changes that queen Guinevere made when Lancelot had been confronted with the decision to hop in the cart, she was upset for his hesitation? Why? It is not exactly easy to make that kind of decision to be publically shamed. But when it was all said and done she just forgave him for his decision. And then she told Lancelot to start to lose to prove that he loves her, and then goes "okay okay never mind go win this fight!!" this girl needs to make up her mind. Lancelot not only has the strength and courage of no other, but also the restraint that surpasses anyone for having not flipped out on Guinevere.

The final bloodshed of the final battle was one to behold and how we finally did not have to wait for whatever could possibly go wrong and keep us reading another twenty pages. Honestly I was surprised that Lancelot was not the first one to lose an arm or even a leg between any other character in this story.
            This story really was a fascinating read, although it took every ounce of energy within me to read its entirety. If we continue this path of all of these stories has taken us, I think we will have the immortal knight among the mortal competitors and falls in love with the mortal with goddess-like charm, otherwise known as Hercules?? Whaaaaa?


  1. You are right overall. As it seemed, it was a very long text that was, overall, confusing. Queen Guinevere was an obnoxious little brat. You can tell by her actions throughout, and how she had a somewhat "Bi-polar" personality. It was probably her ovaries controlling her mindset. Great comparison to Hercules, although we are way passed the time period of immortality being considered a thought or, even, a prayer.

  2. Lancelot is not allowed to hesitate or flip out on her because of Love. Love means not hesitating and not flipping out. However, I agree that everything Lancelot accomplished and did was so unrealistic it became very annoying. Like couldn’t he just be human and normal for a second?
