Monday, February 23, 2015

Lancelot: The Super Human Being Who Falls in Love

Is anybody else wondering how Lancelot is still alive? This man has no pain tolerance. After all he has been through with almost getting speared and crossing the sword bridge I would figure that he would have had enough by now. But no! Once he gets to Guinevere to rescue her, he then battles Meleagant. He finally gets to see his love and begins to fight backwards?! Like really dude come on now. Although he was beating Meleagant in battle, Meleagant's father the king decides to pull him from the battle not only once but twice! just so that Meleagant wouldn't embarrass himself. After the fight when he wants to sleep and be with the queen, he breaks the bars that separated them both from being with each other. In the process of breaking the bars he cuts his hand which results in the blood spread on the curtains and walls. I swear this guy is just that invincible. He's like a medieval superman!

The love that Lancelot and Guinevere had was a rollercoaster of a relationship. Yes they were having an affair but her feelings for him were out of control! First she was happy to see that he came to rescue her. But then after the battle with Meleagant she was upset with him because of course she saw him hesitate to get into the cart. Now that was a big decision he had to make so he had to think about it. I believe that she was feeling that he was questioning his love for her and she was getting mad for no reason. Then they finally get to be together and its like she just forgets that she's mad at him. But then when Lancelot gets captured from being deceived by an evil dwarf ( seriously what is with all of these evil DWARFS!)  she thinks Lancelot is dead from rumors. So begins to become extremely depressed and considers suicide. Eventually both of them figure out that the rumors were  lies. But then she tests his love again by asking him to lose the fight for and to prove himself.  She asks for a lot from him. If all she wanted was for him to say " I Love You" then just ask! Its not like he wont do anything for her. This man went on a hell of journey just to save her. This man loves you okay!


  1. Finally someone who understands!!! HAHAHAHA but seriously, Lancelot is one of the most badass characters that I have encountered in a book that is not invincible. Especially at the part where the fiery lance drops on the bed, and he stops the fire, throws out the spear, and goes back to sleep like nothing happened. Like really?!?!?!?!?!

    You can definitely see a rollercoaster relationship between Lancelot and Guinevere, but I think Guinevere is just trying to prove a point. Lancelot really loves her, but, in my opinion, Guinevere is using Lancelot so King Arthur can grow a pair. Lancelot does so much, even as much as losing his honor, and getting cast upon in the cart, so he can find Guinevere.

    Overall, we both can agree that Guinevere is a PSYCHO BITCH!

  2. Lancelot and Guinevere did seem to have many issues, none of which are the issues I would have thought. I would think they would have issues with the fact she was married, but instead they fought about his hesitation into the cart… like get you’re priorities straight. Maybe it’s just me, but her dramatic issues of being mad for no reason and then suddenly forgetting about it seems like how girls are in relationships nowadays.
