Monday, February 2, 2015

Love is too complicated... smh crazy people

Okay so before I go on this weird and probably over exaggerated tangent, I just want to say that I really enjoyed reading these Lais: Equitan, Le Fresne, and Bisclavret. In each of the readings there wasn’t anything that is too out there and too different from what we read today. Or correction at least the crazy and creepy shit I read in my own spare time.
Where should I start... hmmmm? I guess I will start with Equitan. Can I just say one thing? Why is this woman trying to find any reason not to be with the King aside the fact that SHE IS FUCKING MARRIED!!!  To me that would be one of the most obvious reasons why you should not start an affair. BUT NOOOOO she only tries to tell him that she is not worthy because she is not in the same class as he is. I don’t think class should really matter when it comes to love, but that if there is something else like (cough cough… A MARRIAGE) then you should re- think how great you love is. Plus no offense but how can you fall in love or want a woman when you never seen her. I love (note the sarcasm) how he doesn’t want to hurt his seneschal because he owes him as much to not steal his wife but then he throws that thought out cuz he wants a lover. Like WTF you just had a good thought to be loyal to your guy, but then you say, “Fuck it all!!” 
Well all I can say is that the King and the wife got what they deserved. YOU SHOULD NEVER LET THE PENIS RULE YOU!!!!! At least not where you’re becoming a home wrecker.
So now onto Le Fresne all I have to say is that Jealousy is a vile thing. Why would you go and start a rumor over a woman, let alone your neighbor just because she is carrying two twin boys. Instead of being happy LIKE ANY NORMAL PERSON you have to become a petty b*ach and start spreading rumors. Well guess what Karma must have been hella hungry cuz they came and bit you in the ass. Now it is you who is having twin girls. So to makes sure you don’t sound like a hypocrite you give away your baby. Does no one see anything wrong about giving up your baby to be sent to a convent?  But at least in the end it is on a happier note. The long lost twin is reunited with her family and then she got to marry her love. It was weird but ok I will go along with it. At least no one died.
Bisclavret was probably my favorite of the three. Maybe it is because I am OBSESSED with weird supernatural beings. All I know is that if my husband was part werewolf I would be jumping for joy. Well at least I would once I made sure he wouldn’t hurt me. If he was anything like Jacob from Twilight or like Scott from Teen Wolf.
I thought love meant that you stick together like glue and even if you know your man or you turn into a hideous creature your partner/lover should love you just the same If not more because your partner can TAKE CARE OF YOU BETTER!!! She a stupid hoe!!! How you going to abandon a great guy to marry an average Joe? like why would you give up on the sexiness????
In line 139 I liked how it said, “When the hounds were unleashed” it reminds me of hearing stories about the hounds of hell and how they were wild but protective of who they loved. I just find that interesting and I just got to say it’s her loss maybe she should have stuck with the sexy werewolf then she would still have a nose.



  1. See, I'm here for Derek...or Peter...well, Stiles. I'm here for Stiles. Jesus, I could eat that boy with a spoon and be full for year. Mmmhhhmmmmmm. ANYWAY, I wish I could agree that love should be able the happen regardless of class but I can't. And that's no even me talking about a medieval setting. Today, as I type and breathe, people are getting into relationships based on expectations, standards, the idea of normalcy, tradition. The whole shebang. And these are decent people, they just remain ignorant (or simply ignore in the hopes of staving off crippling depression and pessimism) that racial, sexist, classist, ableist systems dictate our interactions including meet-cutes. I'm totally in this too, we all are, it's the way we as humans function and when you strip off all the valentine hearts it's and hormones. And that ain't bad!

  2. What you added about how before she started the affair was the same ffelings I had, that she should not have not done it because she is not in the same class but to be olyal since she is married. It shows that even back then money could rule and ruin relationships. I like what you added about jelousy to. Couldnt agree with you more how a main thing that destroys partners in relationships is jeously.
